Kupertino Logistics

International Trade Services


Service of foreign economic activity at Kupertino Logistics includes the following services: assistance in the search for supplier companies in foreign markets, development of working trade and product schemes, study of infrastructure possibilities taking into account the scope of the client company, advice on all issues of foreign trade. Our help is useful for one-time foreign trade transactions, large international projects, as well as for planning to enter new markets.

International Trade Services Kupertino Logisitics
Our employees fully service foreign economic activity: accompany export-import operations in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.
Employees of Kupertino Logistics carry out and accompany the entire set of organizational measures to create a supply chain from the supplier to the final recipient.
Kupertino Logistics takes a comprehensive approach to the organization of efficient trading and logistics chains. The range of logistics services provided by our employees includes the organization of cargo transportation, storage and maintenance of cargo in temporary storage warehouses, customs documentation and insurance.
Our representatives advise clients on all organizational, financial and legal aspects of foreign economic activity, explain all issues of customs procedures. The company’s thorough analytical work Kupertino Logistics allows you to identify risks and problematic links in the supply chain and carry out “work on errors” even before the start of transportation.