Kupertino Logistics

Multimodal Freight


Multimodal freight is a common method of delivering prefabricated and packaged goods, based on the alternating use of various modes of transport. Multimodal transport is resorted to when it is not possible to deliver a product only by a single vehicle. In mixed transport, it is important to be able to optimize the cost and delivery time, to ensure its high quality.

We Offer
Rail and Road Transport of Sea Containers to Various Destinations
Transhipment to Rail and Road Transport of Goods Delivered by Sea and Their Further Shipment to the Final Destination
Transport of Various Goods by Motor Vehicles and Railway Trains to Ports, Their Transshipment and Shipment to the Consignee by Sea
Execution of All Necessary Accompanying and Customs Documents in Accordance with National and International Legislation, Cargo Insurance

Kupertino Logistics carries out multimodal container transportation in various directions. By effectively combining the possibilities of road, rail, sea and aviation transport, we solve the problems of any complexity that our Customers pose to us.

During its work in the market, Kupertino Logistics has developed optimal multimodal transportation schemes to the most remote regions of the world, along all the main transcontinental routes and countries.

Specialists of Kupertino Logistics organize and fully coordinate multimodal cargo transportation at all stages, provide door-to-door delivery.