Kupertino Logistics provides a wide range of transport and logistics services required for the organization of road freight transportation. Regardless of the market situation, wheeled transport remains the leader in its segment. Freight transportation by road is in high demand due to several factors. Transportation by means of vehicles is available around the clock and is not tied to the schedule of airports, ports, stations, which significantly reduces the delivery time. The use of cars allows you to lay a flexible route, since the network of road routes passes through all regions of Eurasia. GPS and GLONASS equipment installed on cars…
which allows you to control the safety of the cargo. Often, vehicles help reduce the financial costs of transportation. To give customers the opportunity to experience all the advantages of road transport, we organize intercity and international road freight transportation. Our employees take into account the properties of the transported goods, analyze the characteristics and needs of the client, develop a suitable transportation route. Regardless of distance, we will ensure the timely transportation of various goods. Kupertino Logistics specialists organize freight international road transportation of prefabricated and complete cargo, including heavy, oversized, design, as well as dangerous goods and requiring special transportation conditions.
Benefits of Choosing Kupertino Logistics
The quality control of international road transport services in Kupertino Logistics is provided by a special structural unit – the Department for Working with Transport Companies. Its specialists are engaged in the selection of transport companies, checking their work for compliance with established corporate rules and professional criteria.
- They will offer the optimal route of vehicles;
- Make all necessary calculations of the cost of automobile freight transportation;
- The optimal version of the vehicle will be selected;
- Ensure control over the condition of the cargo and its location at all stages of the supply chain (shipment and unloading, en route, etc.).
All vehicles comply with EURO 5 environmental standards. To ensure maximum safety of goods during their transportation, cars are equipped with special cargo attachment systems. They are also equipped with satellite tracking systems that allow you to track the route of travel of road trains. All drivers are professionals with an average work experience of 10 years.
Due to organizational and technical advantages, road transport is carried out with maximum compliance with the terms and conditions of delivery agreed with the client.
Prefabricated Cargo
Delivery of prefabricated cargo is an opportunity to bring a small batch of cargo, paying for delivery proportionally to the place occupied in the cargo space. This service is cost effective when delivering small cargo.
Kupertino Logistics carries prefabricated goods in the format of “door-to-door,” “warehouse-to-door,” “door-to-warehouse” and “warehouse-to-warehouse” with the possibility of delivery on time (in the “just in time” format) by any of the proposed methods, as well as their combination – road transportation of prefabricated goods, separate low tonnage vehicles, several modes of transport (sea, rail, air, road).
Customs and Documentary Support
Experts of Kupertino Logistics company have expert knowledge in the field of documentary support of your cargo transportation.
A careful approach to the processing of shipping documents and the examination of our employees allows us to ensure the unhindered passage of product control procedures when delivered to the destination.
Kupertino Logistics will assist you in documenting the transaction:
- Customs clearance of imports and exports throughout the world;
- In the preparation of TIR documents (CARNET TIR), export and transit declarations (EX-1; T-1) and CMR consignment notes;
- In checking completeness and correctness of documents accompanying the goods (certificates, specifications for goods, etc.);
- We also offer the services of partners – customs representatives.
Cargo Insurance
Kupertino Logistics offers cargo insurance on the condition “With responsibility for all risks.”
This type of insurance is urgently needed when transporting expensive and highly liquid goods, as well as at a high risk of damage to the goods due to its nature (perishable goods, dangerous goods, presence of temperature conditions during transportation, fragile packaging, etc.). The service provides guaranteed compensation in all circumstances and at all stages of transportation:
- In case of cargo damage during loading and unloading operations;
- In case of damage to cargo in case of accident, both due to fault and without fault of the carrier;
- In case of loss of cargo in case of unlawful actions of third parties (theft, robbery, theft of a vehicle, etc.);
- In case of damage or loss of cargo and force majeure (fire, explosion, natural disasters, military actions, strikes, etc.);
- Other contingencies that occurred during transport.
Benefits of cargo insurance with Kupertino Logistics:
- Low rates (you can find out the cost of cargo insurance in Kupertino Logistics right now by filling out the cost calculation form);
- Insurance of goods at any stage of transportation;
- Speed of insurance policy execution;
- Established system of insurance cases settlement;
- Assistance in the organization of inspection of damaged cargo and settlement of claims;
- Quick payment of insurance compensation.
Our company works with leading insurance companies
TTClub is a cargo insurance partner, a leading global insurance company specializing in the provision of insurance services in the field of transport and logistics. TTClub has been operating in the liability insurance market since 1968, has high reliability (A++ financial reliability rating) and offers a high-class customer-oriented service.
AIG is a cargo insurance partner, the history of AIG dates back to 1919. Then it was founded in Shanghai by the insurance company American Asian Underwriters. Since then, thanks to entrepreneurial ingenuity and perseverance, it has become one of the largest insurance companies in the world.